WAZIPOINT Engineering Science & Technology: 09/17/15

Thursday, September 17, 2015


How to connect CT for metering

The current transformer rated current ratio shall match the connected load circuit and secondary circuit requirements.

Current transformers shall be capable of withstanding without damage the full load, peak and rated short time currents of their associated equipment.

Where space within a current transformer chamber permits dedicated current transformers shall be used for protection, instrumentation and metering.

Current Transformer Class Section for Uses

Current transformers used for energizing indicating instruments shall be of Class 1 accuracy and for energizing integrating meters of Class 0.5 accuracy in accordance with IEC 185. Current transformers for generator low forward power interlock relays shall be Class 0.1 accuracy. Accuracy class of current transformers for tariff metering shall be Class 0.2.

Current transformers for protective and protective/indication purposes shall be designed to suit the particular requirements of the associated protection, which in general shall be in accordance with the recommendations given in BS 3938 or approved equivalent.

Class 5p current transformers shall be used for inverse time over-current and/or earth fault protection. The rated accuracy limit current shall be equivalent to the maximum symmetrical three phase fault current or earth fault current of the protected circuit or equivalent to the switchgear breaking capacity unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 

The current transformers shall be capable of meeting the 5p error classification at rated accuracy limit current over the full range of relay settings, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

Current Transformer Using Purposes

Current transformers used for indication/metering purposes shall be designed to saturate at a value of primary current sufficiently low to protect the secondary circuit from damage at all possible values of primary fault current up to the associated primary short time thermal rating.

Current transformers for combined purposes (e.g. protection relays and indicating meters) shall have a dual Class 5p/Class 1 performance, and the secondary circuit shall have an approved means (saturating reactor or saturating interposing C.T.) of protecting the meters and reducing their burden under system fault conditions.

Current transformers for protection using high impedance relays shall be of the low reactance type and their performance shall be stated in terms of the Class X parameters of BS 1938. (Low reactance current transformers may be shown to be low reactance by virtue of their construction as defined in Clause of BS 3938.


Current Transformer Test Required

If all the constructional requirements are not met then type tests will be required to prove that the current transformers are low reactance; the primary test current shall not be less than the through fault stability current of the protection scheme.

The rated volt-amp output of each current transformer shall not be less than 110% of the connected burden as installed in service, the burden of cable connections being taken into account.

The secondary windings of each set of current transformers shall be earthed at one point only via an accessible bolted disconnecting link, preferably located within the relay cubicle.

Where double-ratio secondary windings are specified provided a label shall be provided at the secondary terminals of the current transformer indicating clearly the connections required for either tap. The connections and the ratio in use shall be indicated on all connection diagrams.

Design magnetization curves and d.c resistance values shall be submitted before manufacture for each current transformer used for protective purposes and shall be subsequently verified by works routine tests and also by site commissioning tests.

Current Transformer Installation

Where current transformers have to operate or be mounted on apparatus provided under other contracts, the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring design and installation compatibility with other Contractors and for keeping the Engineer informed.

Metal clad switchgear current transformers shall be located on the non-bus-bar side of the circuit breaker except where current transformers are provided on both sides of the circuit breaker for protection zone overlap. The primary conductors shall be accessible for primary current injection treating on site.


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