Sunday, April 12, 2020

How can I get great visitors to my website without SEO?

There are several ways to increase visits to your website, and achieving the goal requires constant work. And I would say that, whether you like it or not, you are going to have to do a minimum of SEO to make sure that, at least, Google correctly indexes your pages.

I attach the 5 best tactics to reach the goal:

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing, also known as Inbound Marketing, has a lot to say when it comes to talking about web traffic. This is because with its techniques you will not only be able to enhance this point, but it will also make you get qualified leads. This is thanks to the so-called Buyer’s Journey or, in other words, the path of a prospect to become a customer. Specifically, these stages are:

Discovery: knowing a problem or need, the person begins to inquire about it to find causes and possible solutions.
Consideration: having been informed, the user evaluates the options he has to satisfy the need or solve the problem.
Decision: With all the information on the table, you are ready to decide between one or the other alternative.
The valuable content will be the hook for the user - after guiding them through the stages previously seen - to reach your website, capturing it as a customer and, in addition, loyalty by showing you as an expert on the subject.

However, if the content is poorly structured or poorly presented, you can hardly have positive results. Therefore, it must have the following characteristics:

Excellent writing. Incredible as it may seem, some copywriters still don't pay enough attention to the grammar, spelling, and context of each segment of the article. These elements are vital for the content to appear in the first results of the search engines and, at the same time, they will make the reader's experience absolutely pleasant.

Optimized for SEO. This includes short but eye-catching titles, metatags, appropriate images, internal links, and custom URLs. It should also be mentioned that keywords -or keywords- must be properly used, as it is the way in which the search engine accesses your content to show it to certain users.

Original and quality information. One of the best ways to increase web traffic organically is to provide readers and prospects with fresh and original content. This will allow you, in addition to attracting potential customers, to position yourself as a benchmark in the sector, since other sites could link to your site in their content, adding points in the Google ranking, which translates into a better positioning of your site.

Attraction marketing is one of the best ways to increase web traffic, because while the user benefits from the content, you (as a company) capture true stakeholders in your products or services. In other words, you stop looking for an audience and the audience starts looking for you.

2. Online advertising

Digital advertisements can bring great benefits if they are well used. In fact, they could even be the cause of up to almost 70% of the traffic to your site.

However, while advertising is marketing, marketing is not advertising. A company can choose a campaign to generate visits to its page, as long as it considers the following:

Ads on search engines or on social networks? A Facebook campaign can work as well as a Google Adwords campaign. If the budget allows, it is advisable to combine both methods.

How much to invest? This will depend on the budget allocated, as well as the current stage of the company. Logic says that greater investment will generate better results, although everything depends on the segmentation, strategy used, formats, etc.
However, beyond the 
budget or the means to use to mount an ad campaign, analyzing its performance is essential. This is because you could be attracting the unwanted public, for example, by the use of poorly chosen keywords.

So the advice - in addition to choosing the channel well - is to permanently monitor performance, correct deficiencies in time, and reinforce or change the strategy.

3. social networks

The current importance of pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, among others, is such that it deserves a separate analysis. Currently, a company must compulsorily take advantage of the potential of social media to generate visits and therefore sales. How to do it?

Open accounts on the relevant platforms. It is not about having a profile in all, but in those that are suitable for your company. They must contain the general data of the company and a link to its website.

Create specific content. One of the commandments for a good social media strategy is not to use the same content for everyone. For this, take advantage of the different formats: videos, gifs, and infographics are the most popular and the ones that generate the best response. Each piece of information must be created in such a way that it entertains the user, informs them, and invites them to learn more about the company.

Use links. It is essential to constantly link the content of the website to the virtualized content in each of these social networks, inviting the user to read and share it.

The content created on the web page must include the share buttons on each and every one of these pages. This is something absolutely mandatory in the current environment so that each article has the possibility of going viral. For the reader, it will be much easier to press the “share on Facebook” button, for example, than to copy and paste the URL in this social network.


A corporate blog is an important way to generate web traffic naturally due to the advantages it offers:

Establish a communication channel between the company and the customer thanks to the content of value (Inbound Marketing).

A business blog is ideal for sharing tips, stories and similar testimonials in a friendly tone. Readers appreciate content that goes beyond offering products or services. Thus, the possibilities increase that each entry is shared through different means and, therefore, generates a significant increase in traffic to the page.

As we pointed out in the first section, SEO is essential for the correct distribution of content, and, as far as blogging is concerned, this will allow your target audience to reach the content they are looking for, that is, your company's content.

In addition, internal links to the main page will help it considerably increase the number of visitors. In short, combining blogging and Inbound Marketing will allow you to increase Web traffic, while positioning your brand within the desired segment.

5. Email marketing

Marketing and promoting goods and services via email is an important tactic to generate web traffic, as it offers a good return on investment (ROI) when working with prospect databases. To create a good email marketing campaign:

It will be necessary to optimize the content of each email to generate the projected visits to the website: few images, but striking, short and personalized text, visible and adequate links, and striking CTAs (calls to action), among other factors.

The design of the emails must be mobile-friendly due to the large number of users who surf on laptops. But beware, don't confuse mobile-friendly with responsive sites. While the second aims to optimize for smartphones and the like, the first is to improve the experience by taking advantage of the possibilities offered by personal devices.

The database to be used is organically built with the information obtained through forms. Thus, each user genuinely interested in receiving content will provide their contact, and in this way increase the possibility of email marketing success.

Considering the 5 points we have just reviewed, you can increase Web traffic to your site, while getting quality prospects, that is, users who are truly interested in your products or services.

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