Monday, September 11, 2023

How Set Meta Tag in Your Blog for Better Search Engine Optimization

How Set Meta Tag in Your Blog for Better Search Engine Optimization

What Is Meta Tag for a Website?

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page's content; the meta tags don't appear on the page itself, but only in the page's code. We all know tags from blog culture, and meta tags are more or less the same thing, little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.

Metadata is data (information) about data.

The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page but will be machine parsable.

Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata.

The metadata can be used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), or other web services.

HTML5 introduced a method to let web designers take control over the viewport (the user's visible area of a web page), through the <meta> tag (See "Setting The Viewport" example below).

  1. Enhance user experience by providing better navigation and best match with queries;
  2. Give guidance to search engines on where to find the most important parts of the site or which parts to overlook;
  3. Make SERP snippets look more attractive and informative.

Common Meta Tag for Bloggers

In the situation when Google plays around with your descriptions matching users' queries, why not create a description for users? Try to make a description that advertises your page's content in the best and most concise way possible. And avoid duplicate descriptions — search engines may think that you have duplicate content on your website.

Some of the common meta tags that use in blogging to get better SEO for Google search results:

NB: Put these codes in between the head tag

There’s one important thing to keep in mind. Search engines expect a title tag to include relevant keywords and phrases that describe what that page is about. So if the title you create is not relevant for the page, Google can choose to show a different title instead. You don’t want that to happen. Why? Because title tags are a great opportunity to attract prospects to click through to your site so make sure it gives an accurate, concise, and compelling summary of what that page is about.

Here’s how the code looks:


<title>Your title here</title>


Meta Data can help describe any page in a more convenient machine-readable format, more suited to search engines, but they are very likely to get spammed, and so ultimately limited on their own when it comes to ranking documents on the web. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that Google will use the page meta description as the search snippet.

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